Work History
Hi, I’m

Lidia Fromm Cea

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Lidia Fromm Cea


Accomplished, hard-working professional and persistent leader recognized for leveraging effective strategies to solve operational problems and produce deliverables for results, successful at managing multiple regional priorities and stakeholders with a positive attitude.

Skilled in strategic planning, problem-solving, and excellent communication skills with relentless work ethic and ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously with a high degree of accuracy.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Mesoamerica Integration And Development Project
San Salvador

Executive Director
01.2015 - 08.2023

Job overview

  • Demonstrated leadership to engage public and private actors and development partners in regional dialogue and action, exchanging information and consolidating strategic relationships.
  • Coordinated with organizational leadership and board of directors to guide regional strategy and annual regional workplans to achieve deliverables in an efficient and timely manner.
  • Aligned regional plans and portfolio with 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to contribute to advancing goals and indicators.
  • Demonstrated strategic, analytical, presentation, reporting, and communication skills.
  • Demonstrated commitment to data-driven, evidence and results-based programming, including disseminating, replicating and adapting best practices and lessons learned in practice.
  • Demonstrated ability to technically and financially manage programs, including grants management.
  • Managed teams and teamwork, organizational development and capacity building to benefit different stakeholders.
  • Demonstrated ability to establish and maintain productive working relationships within a wide range of stakeholders, including private and public actors and development partners and regional organizations, fostering complementarity and coordination.
  • Exercised appropriate cost control to meet budget restrictions and maximize financial resources.


Consejo Hondureño De La Empresa Privada (COHEP) Honduras Private Sector Council

Manager Sustainable Enterprise Program
06.2014 - 12.2014

Job overview

  • Worked with COHEP board of directors to formulate strategic vision and workplan to implement program indicators.
  • Accomplished multiple tasks within established timeframes for program implementation.
  • Served as liaison with International Labor Organization (ILO) for program implementation.
  • Developed and maintained relationships with chambers of commerce, private sector and government representatives and different development partners for program implementation.

Ministry For Social Development And Inclusion

Viceminister for Social Policies
08.2012 - 01.2014

Job overview

  • Conducted government-civil society work group to revise three social policies: (1) Early Childhood Development, (2) Disability and (3) Social Protection National Policies.
  • Developed and strengthened political partnerships to further social protection agendas.
  • Promoted central-american regional early childhood protection policy in collaboration with the Central American Social Integration Secretariat (SISCA).
  • Obtained funding to implement social policy programs.
  • Managed teams.

Ministry Of Planning And Development Cooperation

General Director Development Cooperation
02.2010 - 08.2012

Job overview

  • Worked closely with government ministries to coordinate and align development cooperation to country needs.
  • Monitored office workflow and administrative processes and provided corrective feedback to achieve annual plan goals.
  • Spearheaded innovative approaches to establish technological platforms to manage development cooperation with donor funding.
  • Leveraged government-civil society and Academy network to monitor development cooperation programs and knowledge management.
  • Formed strategic partnerships at the global level and represented Honduras and the central american region in the OECD Working Party for Effective Development Cooperation and the Global Partnership for Effective Development.
  • Observed each employee's individual strengths and initiated mentoring program to improve areas of weakness.
  • Led capacity strengthening activities and institutional set-ups with other government ministries for effective development cooperation
  • Designed and implemented and aid management platform for Honduras.

World Bank Country Office

Human Development Operations Officer
07.2008 - 02.2010

Job overview

  • Monitored the implementation of the Bank´s Human Development project portfolio and operations in Health Reform, Nutrition, Education, Social Protection, Youth Employment and Indigenous Peoples and supported new Human Development operations under preparation.

  • Participated in supervision missions and in drafting Bank agreements with government counterparts.

  • Participated in drafting Bank analytical work.
  • Engaged and maintained dialogue with Government and donor community.
  • Advised and supported the Bank on collaborative strategies with other donors and promoted joint implementation mechanisms to enhance alignment.
  • Developed and monitored project implementation and served as liaison with Bank Headquarters.

Canadian International Development Agency And Kreditanstalt Fur Wiederaufbau (KfW Bank)

Advisor for the Education Sector
10.2006 - 07.2008

Job overview

  • Supported the planning, monitoring and evaluation of CIDA and KfW-funded interventions in the education sector.
  • Revised, analyzed and prepared comments to different strategic and technical studies and proposals in the sector.
  • Monitored and guaranteed coherence between Education strategies and planning to existing global policy frameworks: Millenium Goals, CIDA & KfW policies, Education for All Fast Track Initiative, Paris Declaration, etc.
  • Provided technical advisory to key stakeholders in the sector, including the Government of Honduras to achieve advances and milestones in Education goals.
  • Participated in donor and government coordination tables, as well as with other stakeholders and work groups.
  • Participated in technical committees and discussion forums that relate to education.
  • Participated in activities with a broader scope than that of the education sector, such as strategic planning of both agencies.
  • Documented and organized sector information and prepared analysis and made it available for CIDA and KfW representatives and authorities.
  • Provided input to corporate initiatives (reporting, monitoring, evaluations, audits, etc.

National Pedagogical University Franciso Morazán/USAID

Coordinator Centers of Excellence Teacher Training
06.2004 - 10.2006

Job overview

  • Served as liaison with USAID Honduras and other regional stakeholders that participated in the program: FEPADE in El Salvador, ILCE in Mexico, Universidad del Valle in Guatemala, Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra in Dominican Republic and ENRMA in Nicaragua.
  • Led the preparation of the regional teacher training model and training materials for teachers in participating countries. and supervised the team´s work to guarantee core results and indicators established n the annual work plan to achieve the program´s objectives.
  • Carried out supervision missions in the field in participating countries and promoted knowledge exchange.
  • Supervised technical and administrative operations in compliance with USAID, US Government, and Creative Associates International policies and regulations.

German Technical Cooperation (former GTZ; Now GIZ)

Education Specialist
02.2002 - 05.2004

Job overview

  • Provided technical advisory and analysis for policies, priorities and governance of the education sector.
  • Promoted coordination and harmonization with government and other donors in the sector.
  • Supported planning, monitoring and follow-up to education projects financed by the German cooperation.
  • Revised, analyzed and prepared comments to the different technical documents and proposals in the education sector.
  • Provided technical advisory to key stakeholders in the education sector, including the Government of Honduras and the National Pedagogical University Francisco Morazán.
  • Participated in technical committees and discussion forums that relate to education.

USAID/Improving Educational Quality Project
Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Writer English textbooks & curriculum Grades 9-11
02.2000 - 01.2002

Job overview

  • Applied effective time management techniques to meet tight deadlines.
  • Skilled at working independently and collaboratively in a team environment.
  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.
  • Worked flexible hours across night, weekend and holiday shifts.
  • Proved successful working within tight deadlines and a fast-paced environment.


National Pedagogical University Francisco Morazán
Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Ph.D. from Education
06.2004 - 11.2008

National Pedagogical University Francisco Morazán
Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Master of Arts from Curriculum And Instruction
09.2000 - 07.2003

National University
San Pedro Sula, Honduras

from Licenciatura En Pedagogía Y Orientación Educativa
08.1987 - 06.1994


    Problem solving skills



Executive Director

Mesoamerica Integration And Development Project
01.2015 - 08.2023

Manager Sustainable Enterprise Program

Consejo Hondureño De La Empresa Privada (COHEP) Honduras Private Sector Council
06.2014 - 12.2014

Viceminister for Social Policies

Ministry For Social Development And Inclusion
08.2012 - 01.2014

General Director Development Cooperation

Ministry Of Planning And Development Cooperation
02.2010 - 08.2012

Human Development Operations Officer

World Bank Country Office
07.2008 - 02.2010

Advisor for the Education Sector

Canadian International Development Agency And Kreditanstalt Fur Wiederaufbau (KfW Bank)
10.2006 - 07.2008

National Pedagogical University Francisco Morazán

Ph.D. from Education
06.2004 - 11.2008

Coordinator Centers of Excellence Teacher Training

National Pedagogical University Franciso Morazán/USAID
06.2004 - 10.2006

Education Specialist

German Technical Cooperation (former GTZ; Now GIZ)
02.2002 - 05.2004

National Pedagogical University Francisco Morazán

Master of Arts from Curriculum And Instruction
09.2000 - 07.2003

Writer English textbooks & curriculum Grades 9-11

USAID/Improving Educational Quality Project
02.2000 - 01.2002

National University

from Licenciatura En Pedagogía Y Orientación Educativa
08.1987 - 06.1994
Lidia Fromm Cea